The aim of this method is to provide the student with all those skills that allow him to communicate at a basic level with anyone who can speak, Arabic avoiding all those grammar aspects which are not needed for communication at this stage of learning.
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The aim of this method is to provide the student with all those skills that allow him to communicate at a basic level with anyone who can speak, Arabic avoiding all those grammar aspects which are not needed for communication at this stage of learning.
Arabic belongs to the Semitic group of languages. Other living languages of this group are Modern Hebrew (as spoken and written in Israel), Amharic, and other spoken languages of Ethiopia, Aramaic dialects current in parts of Syria and Iraq, and Maltese.[...] Arabic is usually classified as (a) Classical Arabic, (b) Modern Literary Arabic, and (c) Modern Spoken or Coloquial Arabic. Classical Arabic dates from the 6th century A.D., if not earlier. It is the language of the Qur’ân and of the great writers and poets such as al-Mutanabbi and Ibn Khanldûn, and others. The modern literary language is exemplified by writers like Tâhâ Husaîn and Taufîq al-Hakîm and newspapers and the radio. It varies in idiom and vocabulary from the Classical, but the differences are infinitesimal compared with those among the European languages over the same period.
Arabic is oficial language in: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Chad, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Western Sahara, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunis, Yemen, and Djibouti.
Nowdays there is a new communicative Arabic that is a standard Srabic known as Educated Spoken Arabic. This one is used by a literate native arab person who knows Modern Standard Arabic but does not inflect when speaking and may introduce colloquialisms into the conversation. In Arabic language, it is known as الوسطى العربية and this is the Arabic that we present in this book.
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